Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Well after my first post I am ready for more! Blogging is so funny to me (twitter as well) because I feel like it is such a selfish way of communication, basically I'm saying to everyone "Sit down and take the time to read what I'M doing with MY life" as if it's all that important. (Well I know to my mom who is probably my only reader it is important, hehe love you MOM!)

So basically since March I have been looking for a house in Houston, I work 40 minutes away from my house and I am too scared to test my patience in Houston traffic so I leave for work every day around 5:55 or 6:00 AM to beat it. It's been great getting to leave work early every single day but it's getting harder and harder to wake up in the mornings. (I'll admit there have been a few days that I've skipped the shower and gone straight to the closet)...well finally we FOUND ONE!

It's an older house (built in 1967), 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, it's open, it's bright, it's ours starting Wednesday June 1st!

Everything is happening so fast, I feel like we've been looking for so long and then Tuesday we saw the house and by Wednesday we were signing a lease and being told that a week later we could move in! Needless to say, NOTHING is going as planned.

--My roommate "C" was supposed to be getting furniture from his sister but unfortunately now is just not the right time for her family to get anything new so she's going to be holding on to it for a while. So there's an expense. It will be kind of nice though, while it will hurt the pockets, at least we will all have a say in what we put in the community rooms.

--I was supposed to drive to Tennessee for the weekend to go to a sorority sister's wedding but unfortunately with the new house, paying the security deposit, rent, utilities getting started, and the unexpected furniture, and a move in date on a Wednesday (when I work so I'll probably have to wait till the weekend), I just don't see how I'll be able to afford to drive to Nashville anymore. I miss my Tennessee friends so much! It makes me so sad to think that I haven't been to Tennessee in OVER a year!

--Work has been crazy, which is definitely a good thing because I guess we'd rather be swamped then left with nothing to do.

This weekend was a great one, I am trying to keep myself as open as possible on the weekends to catch up on sleep (which hardly ever happens). I am determined to make our house look as cute as possible--however, if you know me you know that despite my best efforts I am a TERRIBLE decorator, so I have decided to hit the 'net for some tips and I wish I had a million dollar budget is all I can say! (But if I did I would hire a decorator rather then do it myself...)

But since my budget is no where near that, I found this great web site that has some tips for "No-money decorating", I'm sure that I will end up spending more then I need to but I thought I'd share the ideas!


I love the idea of putting the curtain rod up higher then the window to make the room look bigger!Clever...

I'm so excited and nervous about moving, I feel like I'm ready but at the same time I wish that I had decided to wait a little bit longer before moving out and so far away from people that I care about! But I guess whatever happens happens...it will be nice not to have to leave for work so early anymore. As soon as I get everything moved in you can bet that I will post those pictures!

If you have any decorating tips or hints please let me know! (I'll also gladly accept any extra furniture) ;)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Seemed like such a good idea...in theory

These past couple of weeks I have become rather obsessed with reading blogs, other people's lives just seem so interesting and they are doing normal everyday things so I thought, "Why not!". Well...now as I face my OWN blog I'm starting to realize that this is a lot harder then I thought it would be! I'm a lot less creative than I thought I was...

So I guess we should start with why I want to make a blog??

1) I literally have the WORST memory in the history of the world, I mean it. So this blog will serve as a way for me to look back on who I was and what I was doing at different times in my life.

2) I am for the first time (aside from the comfort of being in college) moving away from home and this will be a great way for my sweet little mom to keep up with me. (aside from visits and phone calls) I grew up in Texas my whole life and when it came time to go to college I moved out to go ole' Rocky Top Tennessee. I didn't know a single person but I was never really on my own, I always had the support of new friends or financial support from my amazing parents. Yes I will have two roommates in my new house, BUT I will be paying for everything on my own which I have never ever had to do before (which is really sad considering I am 22, but I am so grateful for them!).

3) Like I said before just recently I've become addicted to the blogging world and who knows, maybe something interesting will start happening in my life that will be worth reading.

Here's to hoping I get better at this and things start happening in my life worth blogging about!

Have a great weekend filled with tons of smiles and laughs!