These past couple of weeks I have become rather obsessed with reading blogs, other people's lives just seem so interesting and they are doing normal everyday things so I thought, "Why not!". as I face my OWN blog I'm starting to realize that this is a lot harder then I thought it would be! I'm a lot less creative than I thought I was...
So I guess we should start with why I want to make a blog??
1) I literally have the WORST memory in the history of the world, I mean it. So this blog will serve as a way for me to look back on who I was and what I was doing at different times in my life.
2) I am for the first time (aside from the comfort of being in college) moving away from home and this will be a great way for my sweet little mom to keep up with me. (aside from visits and phone calls) I grew up in Texas my whole life and when it came time to go to college I moved out to go ole' Rocky Top Tennessee. I didn't know a single person but I was never really on my own, I always had the support of new friends or financial support from my amazing parents. Yes I will have two roommates in my new house, BUT I will be paying for everything on my own which I have never ever had to do before (which is really sad considering I am 22, but I am so grateful for them!).
3) Like I said before just recently I've become addicted to the blogging world and who knows, maybe something interesting will start happening in my life that will be worth reading.
Here's to hoping I get better at this and things start happening in my life worth blogging about!
Have a great weekend filled with tons of smiles and laughs!
No worries sis! This is a big step toward the rest of your adult life! Yes it sucks when you realize no more partying hard, especially when you have to pay your own bills! Lesson learned!! Anyways i love you, and keep your head your family is behind you 100%!