Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We found the secret!

To making our very own Chic-Fil-A sandwiches!!! I found the recipe online while surfing through TasteSpotting, it was on a blog and I quickly sent my mom the recipe and marked this as a must make!

This little man thinks he's in charge.
I was a little skeptical at first because, I mean HELLO, Chic-Fil-A is AWESOME, there's no possible way to find a duplicate recipe...oh how mistaken I was.
My mom and our littlest helper Bit Bit

But sometimes little Bit gets sad because we don't let her help as much as she'd like...sorry Bit Bit
While we slave away in the kitchen, the boys like to relax and watch

But we still love them, even if they don't help out.
(My  hand on the left and mom's on the right)

Of course, I don't have the recipe with me, my mom printed it out and I forgot to save it to reference where we got it from. But if anyone is interested in getting the recipe just let me know!
Everything all set up and ready to go! Assembly line: Check!
While they were cooking I tested a little piece of the fried part and it was so YUCK! I got really scared and had my mom try a piece and what do you know...still YUCK! We were super nervous but we just kept pushing on, we followed the recipe exactly so we just hoped they'd turn out.

Once they cooled we bit in to one and...whew...they were delicious. They were Chic-Fil-A standard. For sure. 
Of course the leftover I pull out to photograph has a dinky
 piece of chicken on it, but you get the picture.

It was so stinking good!!
This recipe has been boyfriend approved.
Dad approved...Brother approved...Neighbors approved, etc.
Shawn's cousin Hammad came over so SB could give him some help with his math. They were dressed identical it was so funny! They even had the same glasses! This is as close as I got to the study session:

While they worked on math, I tackled my next project:

I wanted SB to have something quick and easy that he could grab in the morning if he was ever running late and the recipe was just the thing! So easy and really neat to have been able to make myself! I was proud :) SB, Harold and my dad loved them!
Cooling down before I cut them 
Ready to be packaged!

I think I need to work a little bit more on my marketing. But it got the job done ;)
We had a great weekend. AMAZINGGGGG! Saturday was a lot of fun and Sunday we went to the Renaissance Festival (but I'll wait to post those pictures until I go again with my girlfriends in two weeks!) then out to dinner (NEVER EVER will go to Shogun off 242 again, terrible service!!!), we left there and went to a chinese place called Wang's it was so yummy!
But sometimes SB has a little too much fun at my mom's house.
And the next day he doesn't feel that great.
(I'm a mean girlfriend and take advantage of him when he feels sick)

And when he doesn't feel well he doesn't like me to take pictures of him...
even if I try to sneak them!

My little crab ;)

But Alby and Ashley (plus a healthy breakfast of fried chicken and waffles)
always make him feel much better!

And for good measure I thought I'd throw in a picture of the socks that SB had on on Saturday. pahahaha I just love that guy!
Scary Girl and Crooked Glasses boy...what a pair we are ;)
And yes, my hands really are that big...

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