Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Life Lately

I always thought I was so lucky to have not had to have a credit card for anything and to not have had any loans or had to pay any bills in my name (and really I am!!) but gosh...having had none of that sure makes it hard for banks to look at you for a loan!!

We've been looking at houses so that we can buy buy buy!!! But unfortunately my lack of credit history is less than appealing for any banks so I'm Having to take a step back and wait at least 3 more months. (insert super unhappy Kristen)

Right now I have one credit card (since November, my mom had to consign on it) and I need two more sources of credit. But I keep getting denied for not having a long enough credit history...catch 22. Ironic and annoying.

On the brighter side...waiting 3 months will give us more money. Moving back in with parents will help us to save save save! And give us more time to find what we want. I'm just so anxious!

Here's some pictures of what's been going on (puppy overload!)
A sweet sweet lady that we helped find a job
sent me and my boss flowers! :)
Took a cooking class with my mom and one of my best friends
and her stepmom! It was SO FUN!
Nikki/Mommy photo shoot!
Love her! she'd rather be playing though...
Puppy besties!
Mom made a delicious pie :)
pahahah her face KILLS me in this picture
Ohhhhhhh that sweet little face!!!!! <3 
But sometimes she can be very bad...
still cute though ;)
Yummy dessert!!
Bat dog!!
Nikki is almost as big as my mom ;)
bad girl...
Someone got a new house! ;) She was still
really unsure about it hahaha
I won THE ultimate discussion ;)
Her favorite place to hide when she's in trouble...
So my lease is over in June and I'll be moving back home (whether to my dad's or Shawn's mom's house is still up for discussion). But it'll be nice to save some extra money.

Hopefully I'll get the credit situation handled (more credit!!) and I'll be posting about my new HOUSE sometime soon ;)


  1. Good luck with your house! I just bought my first house after a year of searching. I understand about the credit issues. Thankfully I started early by getting a credit card right after high school. One piece of advice I will give you is go get a small loan at a credit place. Just a couple of hundred dollars. Take that money and put it in a savings account. Use it to pay the loan payment. Pay extra and pay it off early. Then do it again. It will help your credit big time!!!!
