Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hairs, a doorknob and one cute kitty!

20-50, This is the number of hairs that the average person loses per day...are you kidding me right now!? This girl loses what seems like a million hairs every day...I find them on everything, on the bed, my shoulder, chairs, floor, EVERYWHERE. It is driving me insane today, I feel like they're sticking to everything. Leave me alone, hairs!

Anyways...yesterday I came home, "gingerly" opened the door with my featherlight touch, and this happened:
Now, I know I'm really strong and like super buff cause I work out all the time but still, I really don't think this is normal or SAFE for that to just come out of there like that haha!!

My roomie got home right after me and he had this little box with him...hmmm...late birthday present?! Not a chance, but it did contain a little, tiny, precious baby kitten!!!!! He found him in the yard by his office screaming (it was over 100 degrees yesterday and this little guy is so...well... little!) so he scooped him up in a box and brought him home.
I named him Franklin.
He's SO cute and SO tiny and everyone who knows me knows my love of cute, tiny things but unfortunately I happen to be SUPER allergic to members of the feline family so I can't pet him. 
He was shaking and so scared. We gave Franklin some milk and he tried his hardest to lap it up but he kept just licking the dry part of the plate (silly Kitty!!). I so wish I could just scoop him up and cuddle him but, A) I don't want to die and B) I'm not sure if he has some kind of disease or something. He has a lot of buildup around his eyes.

We know we can't keep him but we're just holding on to him for now. Chris, my roommate is this HUGE manly man. But he scooped up this kitty, saved his life and even bought a little mini bottle to hand feed him HAHA! Bless his heart.

Sorry Franklin, as much as I love to peer in your box and watch you, you can't stay! But we'll find you a very nice home leetle kitty!

P.S. I've decided my blogs are way too long winded so I'm going to try to post more to keep them short for those sweet enough to read and so I don't have to try to remember a week's worth of super cool and ridiculously exciting events that happen.


  1. blog more blog more! I LOVE FRANKLIN.

  2. I know how allergic you are to cats! You are a brave little girl. BTW, your blogs are never too long for me. Did you get that door fixed Missy Girl?
